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The Celtic Wheel :: Imbolc

Join Cathy and Suzanne in honoring Imbolc- or Brigid’s Day- the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. This holy day honors the quickening in the belly of the earth, the arrival of spring, renewal and hope.

At Imbolc the ancient Celts prepared for the fire of life to return to the land. Energies can feel dimmed and our bodies fatigued art this time of year.

This workshop will include a yoga sequence to move lymph and blood- we will do accessible but fast-paced movements to activate tissues and get the body pliable and mobile again for spring. Using pranayama and asana we will expel stoke our inner fire of vitality. 

We will honor Brigid the patron saint of healing, the home and the hearth through story and poetry. We will guide you in crafting  your own St Brigid's cross from rushes to take home. Traditionally these crosses are set over doorways and windows to protect the home from any kind of harm.